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"Marci Baun and Wild Child Publishing took a chance on me back in 2010 and accepted my Female Assassin "Lucky's Charm" series. Over the course of the last five years I've taken every piece of advice and help from Marci, her fantastic editors, and cover artists and have become a far better writer than I would've been without their help. I'm still learning and growing, and so is Marci and her team - they keep abreast of all the new technology and avenues available to writers and artists and give them every opportunity to flourish as a published author."
Jenn Nixon
Author of the romantic suspense Lucky Series and the YA science fiction Tiva Boon series
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"Have you ever slammed a book shut, swearing never again to read an author, after stumbling across a glaring, silly error? I have. That’s why an honest, dependable, and demanding editor is critical to the success of a career. Writing is a team sport, and the editor can make or break a writer. I feel blessed to have a strong working relationship with Marci Baun. She treated me like an adult, giving me clear direction but then letting me solve the inevitable editing issues. She’s not above drawing bright lines, and she knows what she wants. That takes a lot of guesswork out, saving time and effort chasing ghosts. Amazingly, she asks actual questions, engages in dialogue, and accepts an author’s creative decisions. Marci’s support, confidence, and encouragement have given my characters a life they may never have had otherwise. Given the opportunity to 'do it all over again,' I wouldn’t hesitate to trust Marci with another manuscript.“
James Greer
Author of A Parasol in a Hurricane, Out of Ideas, and The Heart of the Matter (coming out soon.)
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"Wild Child Publishing rocks! Marci and her brilliant team of editors whipped my books into shape, making them even better than I dreamed possible. The camaraderie amongst Wild Child's authors is motivational. I'm proud to be part of the Wild Child Family."
Terri Talley Venters
Author of The Elements of Mystery series
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"My work with Marci Baun was easy and graceful. I went through five editors before discovering Marci. Within a very short period of time, we took my book, kept my voice, which other editors had really robbed it of all essence of me, and the book went on to become a bestseller. I’m certainly grateful to Marci because she rescued a project that I was about to shelve."
Lin Morel
CEO of Beyond Words Group, Inc.
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"What's unique about Marci is she's goes above and beyond to help her authors. If we have a question — she answers. If she goes out of town — she makes sure we know. The busy woman has two publishing houses, yet finds the time to encourage us and is always finding ways and places for us to promote our books. Her idea cup is always brimming at the top. She also employs awesome editors and cover artists. Makes this author pleased to be at one of her houses.”
CL Exline
Author of the Sheryl Locke Holmes mystery series
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"I can’t say enough good things about Wild Child Publishing and Marci Baun, both as a publisher and editor. Marci took my manuscripts and polished them into novels that have won numerous five-star reviews. It’s hard to quantify the contribution she makes to her authors through her attention to detail and understanding of the craft of writing, but she is always challenging you to make your work better, while showing you how to do that. Marci loves good stories, and that makes working with her it a lot of fun, but she does demand high-quality writing. But, then, that’s what good editors are supposed to do."
David W. Huffstetler
Author of Blood on the Pen, Blood on the Cards, and Blood on the Badge
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“Marci Baun edited all three of my children's chapter books and my sensuous novella with the utmost attention to detail, punctuation, grammar and overall content. She is extremely competent and highly efficient. Her professionalism and knowledge definitely attributed to the 5 star ratings my books have garnered. Her expertise in the publishing industry had me glowing with pride while admiring the end product, a captivating and enticing book. I would highly recommend her.”
Ruth G. Zavitsanos
Author of The Villa Dog, The Old Fortress Dog, The Kona Dog, Safe Encounters, and The Sister’s Inn