by marciadmin | Oct 8, 2021 | 50-Minute Swim Workouts
Back on track for my theme day. The focus is really on the 100s in the main set. For set 1, you really shouldn’t have more than 5 seconds rest for those 50s. This fatigues you so that when you turn around to sprint, it’s not easy. The first round should...
by marciadmin | Oct 7, 2021 | 50-Minute Swim Workouts
Thursdays are usually stroke technique workout, but I wasn’t feeling it. Instead, I went with random. Basically, whatever I felt like doing at that moment, besides getting out–because I did consider it. LOL That’s how I ended up with the last 4 x 200...
by marciadmin | Oct 6, 2021 | 50-Minute Swim Workouts
No, I didn’t swim yesterday. However, I did today. It was lovely. The goal was to swim all of set 1 at 1:25 100 pace or better. I managed that for all but the 500, which was on 1:26. So, pretty good. I’m happy with it. My goal for the last 200 and 100 of...
by marciadmin | Oct 4, 2021 | 50-Minute Swim Workouts
A number of the usual lap swimmer suspects are out of town today. However, they generally don’t swim my workouts. I just miss the camaraderie before the workouts. 🙂 Why am I not talking about the workout? It was fly. It was pain. What more do I need to say? LOL...
by marciadmin | Oct 1, 2021 | 50-Minute Swim Workouts
Ah, there’s nothing like sprint day. I gave myself more rest so that i could rest and really push. Interesting, though, when I got to Set 3, I relaxed into the strong and focused on breathing. I swam all of the 25s sub :20. The 100s were all 1:20-1:21. The last...