Covid and Contemporary Stories
How are you dealing with the COVID pandemic in your contemporary novels/short stories? Not as a political statement or polarizing pro/con mask stance, but the way the COVD virus effects the day-to-day lives of your characters and appears within the story’s plot line?
Honestly, I’m not. For me, reading and writing is an escape. As I am surrounded by COVID and the pandemic every day, I don’t need to read or write about it. I realize, for some, this would be therapeutic, and there are people who want to read about it, but, for me, not so much. Instead, I keep my sanity by swimming, reading, writing, my family, and . . . chocolate.
So, I write escapist fiction. There is some reality within my stories. If it’s set in a historical time, I do my best to be accurate with the history. If it’s set in a specific city, I’ll be sure to describe it and set the stage. The people will be three dimensional, as real as possible, and will evolve, but my books are fiction. They are meant to entertain.
If you are like me and want to read books with happy endings and realistic characters, that provide a few hours of escape from the crazy world we live in, you can check out my books.
Of course, there are a few of us discussing this topic. I’m sure that some of the other authors will definitely include this in their plot lines.
Hi Marci, Good viewpoint – and there’s a huge amount about the Pandemic in so many non-fiction publications. Anne
Hi Anne,
I think I’m just over saturated. LOL
We appear to be on the same wave length – our reading and our writing is our escape from the every day so why wouldn’t it also offer an escape from the horrors and restrictions of Covid-19? Let’s all look for the HEA of this pandemic, but in the meantime, enjoy a life vicariously without it.
I agree wholeheartedly. Some days, I feel like I’m hanging on to my sanity by a thread. Reading pandemic fiction is not my idea of escape. LOL
I think we all share the same viewpoint (at least of the blogs I’ve read so far) and you are right — we read to escape from our daily lives. Good post!
You are right. Most people read fiction to escape their day-to-day, so writing about Covid would take a lot of thought and creativity to make a positive escape. Good post!
Most likely, if I picked up a book that even hinted at the current pandemic protocols, I would put it back down. I’m living it. I don’t need any more of that in my life. LOL
Chocolate? I am a dry chocaholic: use it only for medicinal purposes.
No one but no one can tell you what to write about. So, you have every right to banish the bug!
I like chocolate in all its forms. It’s a great source of magnesium. I read a lot about the bug in the news as it is. I don’t need to read about it in fiction, too.