That’s right. I’m in love. It’s big, it’s black, and I want to use it every morning and every night… But it’s not easy because I have to keep it clean and in the right condition, or it’s sticky. And sticky is not good… Ever.
Get your minds out of the gutter. It’s my cast iron skillet. And I just love it. Why I waited so long to get one, I don’t know, but it’s my favorite pan to cook in.
Keeping it seasoned is hard. Every time I cook bacon, it ruins the seasoning on it, but I have found that if I cook chicken in it, this returns its seasoning. Anyone with any advice on cooking bacon in it please share. I would greatly appreciate it.
To clean mine I put water in while it’s still hot, just enough that it boils instantly then i wipe it out while still hot, and coat with olive oil, it seems to work well,
Hm… I’ve never done that. I suppose I could try it.
My mind wasn’t IN the gutter, until you told me to get it out of there. Lol!
LOL Well, mine must reside there.
I have 3 of these wonderful Lodge pans and cannot get enough of them! For bacon, the problem is that it sticks, of course. I don’t cook it much anymore, but when I used to up in Alaska, I would scrape it really well with a stainless steel spatula, drain the grease, wipe it out with a paper towel and then use a stainless steel scrubber on it. One of the old Amway Scrub Buds, which I still love to use. Well, not the old one, but the company still makes them. Soap…not so good. The trick is to keep it well oiled without it being oily. And sometimes having to scrub it will make it rust it you don’t dry it right away. When mine ends up like that (rarely) I clean and dry it then rub some olive oil or grapeseed oil on it. Enjoy!
Thanks, Joysee! When it’s seasoned, it’s wonderful. I love cooking with it. Everything just slides off. I cook bacon maybe once every two to three weeks. I keep it covered in grapeseed oil and in the oven as there isn’t any space in the cupboard and on the stove is out of the question. (Cat hair floats and sticks. Ew!)
Not sure why you’re having problems after cooking bacon, Marci. Seems it would season the skillet even more. Maybe you do need to cut down the heat. If that doesn’t work, try turning it up even more.
I saved several rusted cast iron pans. Never wash them, just wipe them out with towel paper. If you’re concerned about any buildup, put two or three tablespoons of oil in the pan with a tablespoon of salt and heat it up. Use a spatula to move the salt around and scrape the buildup. When it has cooled to just to warm, wipe the pan with a rag and keep wiping until it is clean.
I have one I need to do that to today. Thank you for this tidbit, Robin. I will certainly use it.