by marciadmin | Nov 22, 2014 | Round Robin
This month’s Round Robin topic is food, in particular our favorite food. As we are approaching Thanksgiving (at least for us Yanks), it seems an appropriate topic. The only thing I’ve realized is that I really don’t have, and never have had, a favorite food. It would...
by marciadmin | Oct 25, 2014 | Round Robin
Today’s round robin is on the scariest thing that has happened to you? With Halloween just around the corner, this is a very à propos topic. Normally, I would trot out one of the many paranormal encounters I’ve had, but, to be honest, none of them are the scariest...
by marciadmin | May 24, 2014 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
It’s time for my monthly round robin topic. This month we are discussing something a bit different. Perhaps you can chime in as well. What is the most inspiring, romantic, or dangerous setting you ever read or written? This is one of the more challenging posts...
by marciadmin | Apr 26, 2014 | Round Robin, Thoughts, Writerly Talk
One would think they’d never see those words posted on a blog written by a publisher and confirmed bibliophile. A disposable book? Trule. Yes, there are books that I’ve attempted to read that, in my mind, are disposable. Fortunately, most of what I read now are...
by marciadmin | Mar 22, 2014 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Our Round Robin topic today is villains. Right now, I feel like a villain for being so late on my blog post, but, hey, I am distracted of late and just fresh off of EPICon. Going to conferences always seems to throw me off for a few days. Of course, I was late last...