by marciadmin | Oct 22, 2016 | Round Robin, Thoughts, Writerly Talk
Round Robin Today, I’m participating in Round Robin and our topic is: How important is a title? What attracts you to a certain title, and how do you determine what to title your book? It’s funny that this topic should come up right now as I’ve seen...
by marciadmin | Jun 25, 2016 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Round Robin Topic for June: How emotionally involved do you need to be to read or write some scenes? Emotion. It’s what I hope to evoke from someone who picks up my books and reads them. (It’s what I hope will happen when I read a book, too.) I want the person to see...
by marciadmin | Nov 21, 2015 | Round Robin
When Robin sent the topic through for this month’s Round Robin, I knew I wanted to participate. Random acts of kindness. What a perfect topic for this time of year. Sadly, I can’t say that I have done epic acts of kindness. I don’t even know what one...
by marciadmin | Oct 24, 2015 | Round Robin, Thoughts, Writerly Talk
This month’s Round Robin topic is: Do you believe in angels, spirits, ghosts, demons or other ethereal beings or locations? What do you think when they appear in stories? Have you used them in your own stories. Absolutely. There’s too much in this world...
by marciadmin | Sep 19, 2015 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Topic: What current issues are important to you? How often do modern social or global issues are addressed in some way in your stories no matter what era or genera you write? I have several current issues that are important to me, but they are very controversial. As I...
by marciadmin | Jun 27, 2015 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Round Robin 6-27-15 Every person has good and bad traits, everyone does both good and bad things and we certainly have plenty of examples emerging from our various media. There is a precipice each character stands on–one side is too good to be true, the other...