by marciadmin | Jan 19, 2018 | Excerpts, Round Robin, Writerly Talk
How do I capture my characters? Another month, another Round Robin. I enjoy writing these blog posts. Rhobin Courtwright always comes up with a challenging topic that makes me think (although my blog posts don’t necessarily show that. LOL) This month, we’re discussing...
by marciadmin | Dec 16, 2017 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Memorable Characters Memorable characters–whether you hate them or love them, the best characters are the ones that stick in your mind. They’re the ones you walk away from a book, or movie, wondering what happens to them next. But what is it about them...
by marciadmin | Nov 18, 2017 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Round Robin: Holidays, Traditions, and Writing. This month’s round robin asks: What stories have your written or read where a holiday takes place. To what purpose was the inclusion of the holiday? How do you celebrate holidays or events? Does this ever make it into...
by marciadmin | Oct 20, 2017 | Excerpts, Publishing Talk, Round Robin
Round Robin — Time Periods This month for Round Robin we are discussing what time periods our muses prefer. Do they prefer past, present, or future? Are there problems and/or advantages of that choice? And whether we’d like to change? My muse isn’t...
by marciadmin | Jun 23, 2017 | Blog Hops, Round Robin, Writerly Talk
This month’s Round Robin topic is: how do you go about developing your characters for a story? How much time do you spend or does it just happen in the writing process? What inspires it? My Character Process I don’t really have a character process. They develop on...
by marciadmin | May 27, 2017 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
May’s Round Robin is an excellent topic suggested by Skye: Has so much emphasis been placed by readers and writers groups, publishers, reviewers, etc. on authors to have a spectacular opening page/chapter that the rest of the story gets left behind? What are...