Round Robin–How Important is a Title?

Round Robin Today, I'm participating in Round Robin and our topic is: How important is a title? What attracts you to a certain title, and how do you determine what to title your book? It's funny that this topic should come up right now as I've seen some pretty stinky...

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Books Worth Your Buck–The Beltane Witch–Siobhan Muir

Welcome to Books Worth Your Bucks. This is an ongoing blog hop with fellow authors to introduce Indie or small pubbed authors to our readers. Each Friday, we will spotlight an author’s book, give buy links along with the links to the other authors participating in the...

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Books Worth Your Buck–A Real Husband–Nita Wick

Welcome to Books Worth Your Bucks. This is an ongoing blog hop with fellow authors to introduce Indie or small pubbed authors to our readers. Each Friday, we will spotlight an author’s book, give buy links along with the links to the other authors participating in the...

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Reading Tastes in Romance

Although I've been aware of this for quite some time, it crystallized last night as I read the book Wild Cat by Christine Feehan. So many of my friends enjoy Ms. Feehan's work. I can see why. She has created a very believable world with mostly likable characters. They...

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Books Worth Your Buck – Her Cowboy – Kate Richards

Welcome to Books Worth Your Bucks. This is an ongoing blog hop with fellow authors to introduce Indie or small pubbed authors to our readers. Each Friday, we will spotlight an author's book, give buy links along with the links to the other authors participating in the...

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Emotionally Involved–Round Robin 6-25-16

Round Robin Topic for June: How emotionally involved do you need to be to read or write some scenes? Emotion. It’s what I hope to evoke from someone who picks up my books and reads them. (It’s what I hope will happen when I read a book, too.) I want the person to see...

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Crochet Hexagon Afghan Pattern

I started this crochet hexagon afghan about 6 months after teaching myself to crochet some four years ago. The whole purpose of me learning was so that I could teach my daughter, who said she really, really wanted to learn. As most moms know, the child frequently...

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