Love is in the Air–Day 1

The Whispering House Science Fiction Romance/Horror/Paranormal Blurb: After her mother’s death, Eleanor Radcliffe retires from her job in San Jose and escapes to a small place outside of Fresno to heal. But her new home hides a secret. A secret that could claim her...

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Round Robin–The Writing Bug

The Writing Bug Round Robin topic for January: Everybody wants to write a book, but most do not. Writing is hard work. When did the writing bug bite you, and what helps you get through a complete story? Hm… Writing, creating a world and characters, even when the world...

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A Bad Review–How to Survive

Yesterday, I received a less than stellar review for my book The Whispering House. It was 3 stars, which isn't a bad review, per se. Having some critical reviews can be helpful to sales. Even if the 4 and 5 star reviews are from readers and not your friends and...

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Hunting Monsters by Allen Currier–New Book Release

Today, we are celebration Allen Currier's first book release Hunting Monsters. It's a thrilling mystery published by Wild Child Publishing that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Book Information Title: Hunting Monsters Author: Allen Currier Publisher: Wild...

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Word Choices and Character–Round Robin

The Round Robin topic for today is: How does wording choice develop a story's character? How do you use and select your words? This topic was suggested by Dr. Bob: She had to be the sexiest-looking 42-year-old on the planet, the best that money could buy. I believe...

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The Paleo Diet and the Journey to Myself and the New Me

As some of you may know, I started a paleo diet with a weight goal in mind. Fifteen pounds later, I was elated to have released that much weight. This had been an ongoing struggle for the past couple of years. I'd been on and off the paleo diet two or three times. The...

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