Capture My Characters — Round Robin January 2018
How do I capture my characters? Another month, another Round Robin. I enjoy writing these blog posts. Rhobin Courtwright always comes up with a challenging topic that makes me think (although my blog posts don’t necessarily show that. LOL) This month, we’re discussing...
read moreReview: The Ravens: A Shadow Bluff Story by L.J. Garland & Debbie Gould
The Ravens by L.J. Garland & Debbie Gould Darla and her daughter Robin are moving to Shadow Bluff, Maine, Darla’s hometown. It’s steeped in mystery, beauty, and secrets. Alex, Darla’s first love, still lives there, and he hasn’t gotten over her. She thought she’d...
read morePaleo Granola — add some deliciousness to your life
Paleo Granola As many of you know, I've gone paleo... with some exceptions. Well, I eat paleo most of the time. I feel better, I'm stronger, and I released a lot of weight. Being paleo, though, means I don't eat most grains. That means no oats. Up until recently, I...
read moreMemorable Characters–Round Robin December 2017
Memorable Characters Memorable characters--whether you hate them or love them, the best characters are the ones that stick in your mind. They're the ones you walk away from a book, or movie, wondering what happens to them next. But what is it about them that makes...
read moreSnow Spirits Book 2 of Children of the Wild excerpt
Snow Spirits Excerpt Before I share with you the Snow Spirits excerpt, this morning, I received my new cover for it. It is the second book in the Children of the Wild Series. (Book 1 can be found at Amazon, iTunes, and Kobo.) All I can say is "Wow!" Emmy at StudioENP...
read moreRound Robin–November 2017–Holidays, Traditions, and Writing
Round Robin: Holidays, Traditions, and Writing. This month’s round robin asks: What stories have your written or read where a holiday takes place. To what purpose was the inclusion of the holiday? How do you celebrate holidays or events? Does this ever make it into...
read moreAnd the winner is…
Congratulations! Please watch your inbox for the gift card. For chances to win other contests and stay up to date with my writing news, sign up for my...
read moreRound Robin–October 2017–Time Periods
Round Robin -- Time Periods This month for Round Robin we are discussing what time periods our muses prefer. Do they prefer past, present, or future? Are there problems and/or advantages of that choice? And whether we'd like to change? My muse isn't picky with time...
read moreSome Place to Belong Cover Reveal
Some Place to Belong Cover Reveal It has been over a year since I've released a new story. This one is a release from many years ago. Originally part of the Dreams & Desires Anthology, vol. 3, it is now a standalone story. The first of the series Children of the...
read moreMy Character Process–Round Robin June 2017
This month’s Round Robin topic is: how do you go about developing your characters for a story? How much time do you spend or does it just happen in the writing process? What inspires it? My Character Process I don’t really have a character process. They develop on...
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