50-minute swim workout, “fun” emphasis, 2-9-21
This particular swim workout is more out of the box and less yardage. Please feel free to adjust the intervals as massage the sets as you see fit. These workouts are meant to be inspirations for the master’s swimmers who find themselves swimming alone and limited to shorter time slots that in pre-COVID times. Or, if you have unlimited pool use, combine some of the workouts. Above all keep swimming.
read more50-Minute Swim Workout-backstroke emphasis, 2-8-21
Now that I’m swimming alone, due to COVID, I’ve had to be more creative with my swim workouts as I no longer have a coach. Being limited to 50-minutes (or less) has made it even more challenging. This is the first 50-minute swim workout I’m posting. Hopefully, this will help inspire other swimmers who’ve found themselves without their tribe (masters team mates and coach). Today’s swim workout is backstroke emphasis.
read more50-minute swim workout, technique emphasis–2-4-21
A 50-minute technique swim workout for masters swimmers who are swimming alone and are intermediate/advance level. Please adjust your interval time to reflect your speed. Add, delete, alter as you see fit. You can also lift the whole workout and do as is.
read more50-minute pool swim—sprint 2-5-21
A 50-minute sprint swim workout for masters swimmers who are swimming alone and are intermediate/advance level. Please adjust your interval time to reflect your speed. Add, delete, alter as you see fit. You can also lift the whole workout and do as is. This was originally an Auburn sprint swim workout.
read more50-minute swim workout—emphasis mid-distance 2-3-21
A 50-minute mid-distance swim workout for masters swimmers who are swimming alone and are intermediate/advance level. Please adjust your interval time to reflect your speed. Add, delete, alter as you see fit. You can also lift the whole workout and do as is.
read more50 minute swim workout–emphasis on fun or unusual sets–2-2-21
Now that I’m swimming alone, due to COVID, I’ve had to be more creative with my swim workouts as I no longer have a coach. Being limited to 50-minutes (or less) has made it even more challenging. This is the first 50-minute swim workout I’m posting. Hopefully, this will help inspire other master’s swimmers who’ve found themselves without their tribe (masters team mates and coach). This particular swim workout is focused on fun and/or unusual swim sets.
read more50 minute swim workout–fly emphasis–2-1-21
Since I’ve started swimming alone, I’ve had to write my own workouts. Looking on the internet hasn’t really resulted in finding workouts for my level of swimming. (I’m a master’s swimmer. I’m neither beginner nor a collegiate/Olympic swimmer.) Recently, I decided to share my 50-minute workouts on my blog, hoping that my sets may inspire others. You’re welcome to take the entire workout or just one set, set your own interval times to suit you.
read more50-minute swim workout—sprint emphasis-1-29-21
A swim sprint workout for a rainy day. If you’re a master’s swimmer and looking for some 50-minute workouts for inspiration that aren’t geared toward beginners, I’m posting mine on the days I swim. My ideas are inspired by the competitive and master’s coaches I’ve been lucky enough to have over the years. Hopefully, I’ll be back in the water with them again soon. Until then, enjoy.
read more50-minute swim workout–technique emphasis–1/26/21
50-minute swim workouts designed for intermediate to advanced master’s swimmers. Obviously, you can adjust the intervals to your speed. This one focuses on stroke technique. I hope you enjoy it.
read more50-minute workout–IM emphasis–1-25-21
A master’s swimmer without her tribe, posting 50-minute workouts for other master’s swimmers who are going it alone and need a little inspiration. Hopefully, we’ll be back in our pools together again. Until then, I hope these workouts help you. Swimming is my little piece of sanity in this crazy world.
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