50-minute swim workout, mid-distance, 3-10-21

This workout was meant to be 3200 yards. Unfortunately, I missed it by 50 because we were let into the facility a little late. This 50-minute swim workout requires 49:45 min if you keep the same intervals I have. I'm pleased with how I swam today. I seem to get into a...

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50-minute swim workout, backstroke emphasis, 3-8-21

This is a little low on yardage, but it was still a strong workout. As you can see, very little of it was actually free. I'm late in posting this 50-minute swim workout, but I hope people will find it and pull from it. 50-minute swim workout, backstroke emphasis 550...

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60-minute swim workout, IM workout, 3-7-21

Today, I swam with the master's team. The focus was IM. It was so nice to swim with my friends and have a coach write the workout. Tomorrow, it's back to being all by myself again. 60-minute swim workout, IM workout Coach Clay 650 yds 8 minute warmup (it was closer to...

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50-minute swim workout, sprint emphasis, 3-5-21

While I have this listed as a sprint workout, I didn't really swim it that way. I was fatigued today and only truly pushed the last round of the main set. It could've been so much more, but . . . it wasn't. Some days are just like that. That was today. I hope yours...

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50-minute swim workout, mixed distance, 3-4-21

I have designated Thursdays as stroke technique day, but, since I focused on flip turns on Tuesday, I wanted to do something different today. As tomorrow will be sprint and yesterday was distance/mid-distance, I thought it might be fun to mix it up and swim a little...

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50-minute swim workout, mid-distance workout, 3-3-21

For my mid-distance swim workout today, I wanted to do a set of 500s to increase my distance endurance, but I didn't want to just swim 3 or 4 straight. It took me a bit after the warmup to figure out what exactly I wanted to do, so I wasted a few minutes and ended up...

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50-minute swim workout, flip turn emphasis, 3-2-21

I swam with SCAQ, a master's team, on Sunday. While I stayed even with the guy next to me most of the time, I lost him at every wall. My flip turns have never been that good. Matter of fact, my high school coach once asked me: Are you stopping for tea during your...

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50-minute swim workout, fly emphasis, 3-1-21

Mondays are stroke emphasis. I rotate them IM order through the month. So, the first Monday of the month is always butterfly emphasis. I am not a butterflyer, but I do like variety and, even if I'm not great at a stroke, it's "fun" to add it into my workouts. So, this...

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50-minute swim workout, lactic, 2-26-21

Fridays are usually sprint workouts, but I wanted to change it up. While distance was considerably less than what I generally swim, it was not an easy workout if you do it right. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I was going to swim the entire 50 minutes, but, when you do it...

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50-minute swim workout, no emphasis, 2-25-21

Usually, I'd work on stroke technique on Thursdays, but I decided to do something a little different. While I did focus on technique during the warmup set, I didn't do anything specific other than focus on my breath, stroke, and flip turns. How easy could I make it...

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