Creating Tension in Stories–Round Robin–3-20-21
Rhobin always poses interesting questions. This month she wants to know how I develop tension in my writing. Well, that's a loaded question. LOL I'd claim that I like to put my characters in uncomfortable, and sometimes dangerous, situations, but, if I'm being honest,...
read more50-minute swim workout, speed emphasis, 3-19-21
Although today is supposed to be sprint day, I'd say it was more of a hard workout day. I did sprint 6 of the 100s in the main set. The last 100 was what I had left. It was enough to please, although I would've like to swim faster. LOL Isn't that always the case,...
read more50-minute swim workout, stroke technique, 3-18-21
Thursday is stroke technique. I am finding that, when I do spend time on this and really work it, my stroke does improve. It's not something I ever could do (at least not that often) while swimming with my master's swim team. This is not because the coaches aren't...
read more50-minute swim workout, mid-distance, 3-17-21
I've done this main set before (or something very similar), but I've adjusted the intervals to push myself a little harder. My mind was on tomorrow's workout, which is stroke technique. However, I do like this set. It's just enough distance to make it a push, but...
read more50-minute swim workout, “fun” emphasis, 3-16-21
Today is Tuesday "fun" day. This workout is meant to work not only the body, but the brain. If I could circle swim, I'd swim on the opposite of the lane for a few of these. That really screws you up. LOL It's a lot of fun and harder than it looks. 50-minute swim...
read more50-minute swim workout, breaststroke emphasis, 3-15-21
It's that time of month again: the breaststroke emphasis swim workout. I'm rather proud of myself for doing this amount of breaststroke and even a 100 at the end. (Breaststroke is not my stroke. Matter of fact, I practically kick as fast as I swim breaststroke. It is...
read more60-minute swim workout, 3-14-21
I swam with the master's team today. The coach was Clay. 60-minute swim workout, 3-14-21 5 minute warmup-250 yds Warmup Set (1350 yds, ? min) 5 x 100 on 1:40 -- 25 easy 5 x 75 IM on 1:20 -- 25 easy 5 x 50 kick on :55 -- 25 easy 5 x 25 sprint on :30 -- 25 easy 250...
read more50-minute swim workout, sprint emphasis, 3-12-21
For sprint emphasis day, I wanted to do something a little different. Although descending interval times is not that different from other swim workouts I've created, maintaining the same speed throughout each interval is. And it's really hard to turn around from that...
read more50-minute swim workout, stroke technique emphasis, 3-11-21
Today was stroke technique. For me, that's a mixture of drills designed to improve my stroke (do they when I don't have a coach telling what I'm doing wrong and what I can improve?) Regardless, I do them and it helps mix up my workouts. Someone mentioned how they...
read more50-minute swim workout, “fun” emphasis, 3-9-21
You'd think this would be easy to remember as it's only been a day, but I had to really think about what I swam. As I was telling someone today, often when I'm swimming my warmup is when I'm creating the warmup set. The 30 second rest gives me the time to concoct the...
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