50-minute workout, fun workout, 4-20-21
The warmup set is the fun part, although the main set was a bit different than usual and fun, although a different type of fun. If I could, I’d do some wacky relays with friends. Alas, I’m alone in my lane still and limited to a 50-minute workout. But I’m in the pool,...
read more50-minute workout, breaststroke emphasis, 4-19-21
Of all the strokes, breaststroke is my least favorite. It's also the one I'm the worst at. My kick is literally as fast as my breaststroke, but I like variety in my workouts and, if nothing else, it builds character. (Whether I need more character is debatable. LOL)...
read more60-minute workout, 4-18-21
I swam with my swim buddies today. Coach Bill Bean kicked our butts. About halfway through the main set, it got a lot harder. At 82 degrees, the water was too hot, especially for sustained swimming like this. My lane was 1:30 base, so you can easily change the main...
read moreWhat’s in a name, Round Robin, 4-17-21
What’s in a name? How do you choose them? Where do you find them? Are there any you avoid? These are the questions for this month's Round Robin. Names are really important. Whether they’re for your own child or for a character in one of your books, picking the right...
read more50-minute swim workout, lactic, 4-16-21
With today being sprint day, I thought I'd mix it up a bit. Actually, I thinking I'm going to do a lactic workout once a month. Honestly, I don't know what wild hare convinced me to do a 200 back at race pace. It was painful and highlighted how, if I'm ever going to...
read more50-minute swim workout, stroke technique, 4-15-21
The sun is shining. Oh, happy day! Actually, it was a beautiful day for a swim, and this turned out to be a fun workout. My times always seem to improve when I work on my technique. Remember to adjust times for your fitness level and speed. You can also alter the sets...
read more50-minute swim workout, distance emphasis, 4-14-21
Wednesdays are distance emphasis workouts. As I tend to swim mainly mid-distance on these days, I wanted to go a little bit farther than usual. It's not the most exciting set. Okay, it might be quite boring (LOL), but it was just the sort of mindless, meditative,...
read more50-minute swim workout, “fun” emphasis, 4-13-21
I forgot to post this yesterday, so you get two posts in one day. Lucky you! LOL Actually, it was hard to have fun when I wasn't feeling very fun. I tried, did some different stuff before going into a more regular set. It's where I was at. So, you can determine if...
read more50-minute swim workout, backstroke emphasis, 4-12-21
Stroke emphasis day. I really enjoy stroke day. It's a chance to do something different. Although I can do that all of the time while swimming alone, I do tend to spend a lot of my workouts doing freestyle. Today, the emphasis was on backstroke as it's the second...
read more60-minute swim workout, 4-11-21
I swam with the team today. Coach Clay is all about hard and fast. Of course, it being masters, we can choose how hard and how fast we want to swim. I do like to follow the coach's instructions, though. So, hard and die, er, fast it was. LOL I didn't do the kicks....
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