50-minute swim workout, Sunday SCAQ, 7-18-21

A somewhat lazy Sunday workout. They let us in three minutes late to the pool. Kind of par for the course with the Plunge, but, at least, I was able to swim. We had three in our lane. The person leading wore fins. I think she would’ve gotten a better workout if she’d...

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Deleted Scenes—Round Robin, 7-17-21

Deleted Scenes Apparently, baking chocolate chip cookies occupied my mind last night instead of writing this post. LOL Well, to be fair, I’ve been thinking about those cookies for days now, and, even though my constant discussion of deleted scenes is what prompted...

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50-minute swim workout, “sprint” day, 7-16-21

Today was better. Just deciding to let it all go and not worry about it helped a lot. I swam with two women who were significantly slower (I passed them every other lap.) The difference was that we managed to stay out of each other’s way, and they were good at staying...

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50-minute swim workout, stroke technique, 7-15-21

After yesterday, I was rather discouraged. It wasn’t fun, and swimming, while a workout, is always my happy place. Today, I decided that, regardless of what happened, I would relax and enjoy. Honestly, I think I’m a bit burnt out, but swimming generally makes my life...

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50-minute swim workout, mid distance, 7-14-21

Today was less than fun and very humbling. Perhaps if I were one of my fast swimmer friends, it would be different, but I’m not. So, I was the slowest (significantly slower) swimmer in the lane today and constantly felt like I was interrupting the others’ workouts....

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50-minute swim workout, random workout day, 7-13-21

Today was obviously better than yesterday, but they let us in quite late (2 1/2 minutes). All of us were a bit unhappy about that. The lap swimmers come early and were checked in 5 minutes early. That being said, I swam with a new swim friend today named Chris. He’s...

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50-minute swim workout, backstroke emphasis, 7-12-21

Warning: Rant ahead. I forgot to post this yesterday. As you can see, it was a lot of short distances. Well, yesterday was the true beginning of three swimmers per lane. I say “true beginning” because that’s when everyone “discovered” it and when the lap swim hours...

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60-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday, 7-11-21

Bill Bean is usually our coach on Sunday, but Clay was there today. It was a remarkably easy workout for Clay. He likes to make us swim fast all of the time. It’s not a bad thing, depending on the day. LOL Our wears up set was easy, but, when you follow it with an all...

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50-minute swim workout, Friday sprint with friend, 7-9-21

My friend Martin came out and swim with me today. He’s a fast backstroker and motivates me to swim faster (or at least try to swim faster.) It felt pretty good at the beginning. The warm up was a bit longer than usual because he has a long drive up and needed to make...

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50-minute swim workout, stroke technique Thursday, 7-8-21

It was all about stroke technique today. It wasn't really about speed until the main set with one sprint. Alas, after the awesome swim yesterday then cycling with my husband that evening, I found myself fatigued. No speed, no desire to be fast, and my motivation...

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