50-minute swim workout, stroke technique, 8-12-21

Even though I was still editing, I wanted to do some stroke technique. However, due to the number of people in the pool, I had to share the lane with two other people. That’s fine, but it does make it hard to work on technique. (Shrug) I did get some technique work in...

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50-minute swim workout, mid-distance day, 8-11-21

It’s been a busy few days of editing, so I’m behind uploading my workouts. My brain was a little tired from all of the editing (scientific papers). This is why this workout was so simple. I didn’t want to have to think too much. Alas, I didn’t swim that fast either....

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50-minute swim workout, Tuesday fun, 8-10-21

We started out with three people in our lane, but then the staff opened up more lanes, so we split. However, by the time that had happened, I was already into my main set. There was no going back at that point. 50-minute swim workout, Tuesday fun 500 warmup (~7:15...

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50-minute swim workout, backstroke emphasis, 8-9-21

Although I swam a backstroke workout on Sunday, yesterday was my regularly scheduled backstroke day, so I did some more. I mean, why not? Someone did try to get in with my “partner” and I and force us to circle swim. Any other day? Sure. On backstroke day? No. He...

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60-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday, 8-8-21

I haven’t been posting for a couple of days. So, there will be a few in a row with little to no explanation, which might suit my audience (the crickets) anyway. (Grin) 60-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday Coach Bill Bean 400 warmup (~6:30 min) Warmup set (600 yds, ?...

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50-minute swim workout, stroke, 7-5-21

This was going to be stroke technique today, but, with a third very slow person in my lane today, I had to work around them. That’s how the 200 IMs on a 3:20 (preferred interval would’ve been 3:30) came about. Originally, I was going to do 50s, but in order to stay...

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50-minute swim workout, distance workout, 7-4-21

Today, the goal was to relax into the swim and feel the water. I find that distance sets do this for me. I'm willing to entertain that I am an odd duck because of that. LOL I get into a rhythm--a zone, if you will, and I can stretch out. As I was circle swimming, I...

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50-minute swim workout, “fun” day, 8-3-21

It’s been a few weeks, maybe a month, since I’ve had a fun workout. Today, I decided to rectify that error. So here is my attempt at a “fun” workout. Was it fun? Was it really? Yeah, you can find out for yourself. (Grin) As ever, adjust intervals, distances, and...

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50-minute swim workout, fly day, 8-2-21

Today was a bit of a lazy workout with slower intervals. I was tired. Not enough sleep, swimming 3000+ yards yesterday AND cycling 18 miles will do that, I suppose. Then, I went to bed late and was up early. A lot of excuses for why I was tired, but I swam fly anyway....

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60-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday, 8-1-21

El Segundo is open after being closed for Junior Olympic Water Polo. While I like swimming at my local pool, El Segundo gives us 60 minutes and it’s earlier in the day by an hour. Weekends are family time, so earlier doesn’t interfere as much with that. I was a little...

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