55-minute swim workout, stroke technique, 9-23-21
Thursdays are stroke technique. Since Monday's focus was breaststroke, I supposed I could have focused on that. I didn't. Why? Perhaps I burned myself out on the breaststroke. (shrug) Instead, I focused on freestyle. Lift the entire workout, take only portions of it,...
read more55-minute swim workout, distance workout, 9-22-21
Yay! It was distance day. For the main set, add 100 yards to the longer distances with each round. It's a long main set, but you get a decent amount of yards for 55 minutes. As ever, adjust intervals, distances, and even strokes for what works for you. 55-minute swim...
read more55-minute swim workout, “fun/easy” day, 9-21-21
Before I even got to the pool today, I was tired. As I left the house, I told my husband I'd be taking it easy. Or I intended on taking it easy. Tuesdays are also my "fun" workout day. What that really means is just different sets I wouldn't normally do that mixes...
read more55-minute swim workout, breaststroke emphasis, 9-20-21
My favorite day. Yeah, not so much, but I do it anyway because it's good for me, right? I'm not chatty tonight as I have a lot to do, so you know the drill: change the workout to fit your needs/fitness level or use as is. 55-minute swim workout, breaststroke...
read more50-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday long course, 9-19-21
So, no warmup today. I was nearly 10 minutes late getting in. Why? Well, I had a scheduled interview about my writing journey and book The Whispering House this morning at 8 am with JB Favour from Bookterviews. We had some technical difficulties (I'd never used the...
read moreRound Robin—Genres beyond fiction, 9-18-21
This month, Robin wants to know what other genres I write besides novels and why. When Robin first posed this subject, I wondered what other genres there were besides nonfiction and, of course, memoirs, which are, technically, nonfiction, as well, depending on how...
read more55-minute swim workout, backstroke sprint day, 9-17-21
This was a tough workout today. Eh, well, not that tough. I mean, the sprinting is always hard, I don't know if I'd call it fun. It's just something you do to push yourself. Or maybe it's something I do to push myself. LOL I can't help it. I can't just go to the pool...
read more55-minute swim workout, backstroke technique, 9-16-21
Today was stroke technique. Although I missed Monday, this week was backstroke week. I decided to go ahead and focus on it today. I did several different drills because I like variety. This was a very heavy backstroke workout, but, if backstroke isn't your stroke, do...
read more55-minute swim workout, distance day, 9-15-21
I've been delinquent the past couple of days. Well, not really. As I am an independent contract editor, there are times when I receive editing requests that are time sensitive. That happened on both Monday and Tuesday. So, getting in today was lovely, even with the...
read more60-minute long course swim workout, SCAQ, 9-12-21
My first long course since the lockdowns began. It was 10% longer with 66% fewer flip turns, 30% slower, and 50% more mental anguish. LOL Actually, I swam pretty fast. I wasn't 30% slower; it just felt like it. Seriously, where was the wall when I wanted it? Oh, yeah,...
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