Today was a better swim day. Perhaps it’s because the warmup set was more of a warmup set with the slower interval. It seems that I require a good 1100 yards to really get ready to crush my times. (Crush being relative, of course.) I had a really nice compliment from someone swimming next to me. He said that I made it look easy and that I didn’t look like I was swimming as fast as I was. He asked me if I swam in college. Yeah, I’m a lot slower than I was in college by at least 10 seconds/hundred during workout. (Not during races, though.) Again, the whole relative comment. When I swim with the master’s team SCAQ (So Cal Aquatics), I’m in the middle as far as speed goes, so I don’t really consider myself fast. Regardless, it was a nice compliment, especially when water has felt like molasses the past 3-4 weeks. (sigh)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 50-minute swim workout as much as I did. Although I don’t write them in, there are short breaks between warmup, the warmup set, and the main set, usually about 30-45 seconds, depending on the clock. Again, change the intervals to suit your abilities.
50-minute swim workout, mid-distance day
500 warmup (~7:30 min)
Warmup set (600 yds, 9:00 min)
6×100 on 1:40
Main set (1800 yds, 26:50 min)
100 on 1:35
200 on 3:00
100 on 1:35
150 on 2:25
300 on 4:30
150 on 2:25
200 on 3:10
400 on 6:00
200 on 3:10
Work the longer distances of each round.
200 warm down
Total yards: 3100
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