by marciadmin | Nov 15, 2013 | Cover Reveals
Cover Reveal Tears of Heaven Urban Fantasy From R.A. McCandless In the past, the children of angels and humans, the Nephilim, were allowed to lead their lives as they willed. But they proved too strong, too ambitious, and too cunning for their own good. They became...
by marciadmin | Nov 14, 2013 | Thoughts
Last week, I stepped on the scale and was less than happy. Okay. I was very unhappy. Except for when pregnant with Lily, I had never weighed that much in my life. Okay, I’d weighed more when carrying a 25 lb backpack, but not by much. At that moment, I decided I...
by marciadmin | Nov 9, 2013 | parent woes, Rants, Thoughts
My child is a packrat. I think most children are, but how do you get them to let go of stuff they no longer use. Lily doesn’t mind getting rid of clothes that don’t fit her, but toys? Oh, my God! You would think that I’d asked her to cut off her arm....
by marciadmin | Nov 7, 2013 | Rants
Have you ever tried to find organic tortillas without soybean oil? Or just tried to find organic tortillas period? Seriously, you’d think you were on a mission in search of the Holy Grail. I sent Charlie off to find some organic tortillas without soybean...
by marciadmin | Nov 4, 2013 | Thoughts
I love Halloween. It’s one of my favorite holidays. And, yet, I dread it too. For varying reasons, but the main one being: candy. It’s five days after Halloween, and I still have enough candy for a horde of children. We overbought, thinking we’d have...